Feb. 17:
Dearest Church-
Yesterday morning my grandmother Gertrude Davis passed away. She has been recovering from a Christmastime broken hip, and returned to her own home just the day before. My mother Gwen (her daughter), dad, and Aunt Janet (her eldest) were with her. It was a peaceful death marked by the presence of her children and the assured peace of her Lord's salvation.
Service will be Tuesday at her church near New Castle, PA. I will be the eulogist, an honor I shall treasure.
I was blessed to be with the youth and youth sponsors of our region at midwinter retreat when I received word. They ministered to me and my family brilliantly. I give God thanks for all the above. I give thanks for grandmothers.
Thaddaeus Allen, your regional minister
Feb. 13:
Over 130 youth and adults concerned with youth ministry will gather at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV for the region's annual Midwinter Youth Retreat. The annual retreat will begin in the evening on Friday February 15th and will conclude with a lively and powerful worship service on Sunday the 17th. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in WV seeks to be faithful in our charge to form Christians through our events designed for the Christian Formation of young people. Please pray for this holy event and all those who will be participating in it.
If you know of any who would still like to attend and have not registered, please call the regional center (304) 428-1681 to make a reservation.
Feb. 11:
For Immediate Release
Region and St. Albans congregation to work together in a new way. Effective March 1, 2008 the Reverend David Chafin, Associate to the Regional Minister, will assume the pastorate of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Saint Albans, WV. This will be part of Chafin’s broad portfolio that is to include gifting local congregations with excellent pastoral leadership and care while they are undertaking a search for a called minister.
“David’s strategic visioning skills and pastoral touch will prove to be a gift to this fine congregation. This congregation’s love of our Lord and desire to be faithful in mission and grace will prove to be a gift to this fine pastor. This is an exciting and growing time for this congregation, and I am extremely energized around this model for ministry in our great region. As a part of this covenant for pastoral services, the congregation will reimburse the region for a portion of the Associate’s financial package. This is a new model in regional ministry, and we will be watching closely to see how this can bless other congregations moving forward.” Thaddaeus B. Allen, Regional Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in WV.
One part of the mission of regions is to care for and nurture congregations. This partnership puts flesh on this mandate. Reverend Chafin will be working with the congregation to identify areas for mission in growth while a search for a pastor continues.
Please remember this holy endeavor in your personal and corporate prayers.
Jan. 16:
Dearest Church:
It is with sadness and yet, too, with a grateful heart for his life and witness to Christ that I report that Dr. Coleman Hatfield passed away on the evening of January 14th. He was with his son. Coleman was a great churchman. He dearly loved the Logan congregation and gave generously to the regional church. For many men, he was a mentor. He was a gifted Bible teacher and loved all things “West Virginian.” He enjoyed poetry and told a great tale! Dr. Hatfield’s service will be held on Thursday at 10:00 am. Most appropriately it will be in the church house that he loved.
I think that heaven must be more interesting since Dr. Hatfield’s arrival. Like many of you, I loved him. He was a dear friend of our Regional Minister Emeritus, and of many. A committed Christian he was and is.
Please pray for his family, his pastor The Reverend Dr. Charles Wood, the community and the church as God heals us in this loss.
Because He lives, so too does Dr. Hatfield. So too do we.
Thaddaeus B. AllenRegional Minister
Nov. 19, 2007
A Point of ViewFrom The Reverend Thaddaeus B. AllenRegional MinisterChristian Church (Disciples of Christ) in WVIt is with joy that I compose this communiqué, the first of what will be many.First of all let me say thank you for this wonderfully blessed opportunity to serve you as your Regional Minister. I am excited. Jennifer and I (with Kaylie and Haddae) are together and the transition to Parkersburg is happening. The hospitality the region has shown and continues to show is a true gift. We think about Huntington and Madison Avenue daily and I suspect that will continue forever. We are marked by their touch and that will strengthen us forever into the future.Some exciting things happened this weekend. The regional board met Saturday and did a great deal of fine work and positioning of our region to work together into the days ahead. Some of the highlights are below:
• The Reverend Doctor William Burwell Allen was named Regional Minister Emeritus. This honor became official later that evening at a banquet held in his (and Gwen’s) honor. He was moved by the act. The church was strengthened by it. A fine feast was shared and gifts were made. I bring you his thanks that is beyond anything that words could express.
• The Reverend David Chafin was called to a new position with the Region. Beginning in 2008 he will assume the position of Associate to the Regional Minister. He will have an interesting portfolio for ministry that will be a gift to the church. David has been the pastor of the fine people at Central Christian in Huntington for the past seven years. Remember them as they approach this new time of transition as well.
• Kevin Snow, a member of the Vinson Memorial Church in Huntington, was admitted to candidacy for ordination. Kevin is in his final year at Lexington Theological Seminary where he is gaining a fine reputation for thinking and living the Christian life.
• Many other things happened, too.
Sunday morning found me preaching at the Wheeling Island Church. If you ever get a chance to worship there – go! They are a fine people with one gifted and loving pastor!As we find ourselves in a Thanksgiving week, I am finding it easy to be in a thanksgiving state of mind. Let us always be thankful for what has done and is doing in our midst. I give thanks for you, for Christ who is the Head of the Church, and for the life of grace that God has given us to share.With Love,Thaddaeus