Thursday, March 20, 2008

From the Regional Minister: Maundy Thursday

Blessings on this most holy day, Maundy Thursday.

As the faithful will gather over the next three days (the Triduum, the three great days that celebrate the saving work of our Lord) know that we are together. Tonight many will gather for Maundy Service celebrations. For many this is a most memorable and important service in one's journey with Christ. Tonight in our region there will be services of shadows (tenebrae), perhaps footwashing services, and services that mark the institution of the Lord's Supper. Tonight many will hear from John 13:34 where we are give a 'new commandment'. This is a special time in the life of the whole church and the whole world.

I pray that it will be a special time in your own life as well.

May God bless us as we gather together, always together, on this holy day of Maundy Thursday. And... let us always 'love one another' just as Jesus has loved us.

Your Regional Minister,
+ Thaddaeus