The Regional Minister offers this prayer to be shared among congregations in the process of seeking new pastoral leadership. Rev. Allen notes that "It is influenced greatly by personal prayer and a prayer for such occasion that is found in the Book of Common Prayer." It is offered here for all to use as desired (and will later be posted to the yet-to-appear "Congregational Resource" page). May we all be prayerful for those congregations currently in this phase of their lives.
Almighty and Gracious God, Giver of Every Good Gift; look with favor upon your Church and upon those who are charged with discerning who it is, who is to be, the next minister for this congregation of your beloved and holy people. Help us, Dear God, so that we might find and be sent a loving and faithful pastor who will love and care for your flock and equip us for the ministries that you are calling us to do and to be about. Be with our search committee, our congregation, our regional minister and all those who are watching and waiting for the one who is to come. Keep us faithful to the process and keep us near to you in these days we humbly pray.
Bless us in this time of new life and grant us your presence, your peace and a deep and abiding trust in you, in your church, and in ourselves as this time of life unfolds.
In the name of Jesus Christ we offer this prayer. Amen