Monday, March 31, 2008

Disciples History Posting: National City C. C.

Our Capital Witness

The lady in the big hat down front wasn't just any lady. She was the First Lady. And that was true in more ways than one, because her name was Lady Bird. The man sitting in the pew next to her happened to be president of the United States. And, Lyndon Baines Johnson was also a Disciple.

Alexander Campbell (yes, that Alexander Campbell) said that Disciples should have a prominent presence in the nation's capital. He didn't live to see President Johnson and family sitting in the church he envisioned. In fact, when Disciples preacher turned U.S. president James Garfield occupied the White House, he worshipped at was affectionately (sort of) called "the shanty." Let's just say the Disciples meeting house in Washington, D.C., at the end of the nineteenth century wasn't exactly grand.

But, the good news is that Campbell's dream was ultimately fulfilled. In 1930 thousands of people crowded into Thomas Circle in the northwest section of the capital city to help dedicate the congregation that would give a national voice to Disciples. Individuals and congregations from all across the United States sent in dimes and nickels and dollar bills to help create this great church, the one that would form, in a sense, the national cathedral of Disciples. National City Christian Church stands today as a bold statement of Disciples' commitment to tell the whole world, even people of power and influence, the story of how an encounter with Jesus Christ is powerfully life-changing.

While the congregation is now witnessing into a second century, and has a glorious story to tell of its history, it is possible that these are its most exciting days yet, with Dr. Stephen Gentle serving as Senior Minister. "He is, perhaps, the best thing to ever happen to National City," says Duane Cummins, chair of the National City Christian Church Foundation. "The vision he has for a national Disciples witness is inspiring. Dr. Gentle and his church deserve all of our prayers and support."

Interestingly, the church was formed in connection with a foundation, so that the future of our witness there would be secure. Learn more by visiting Of course, you're also welcome to worship at your national church anytime you're in the capital - and you don't even have to be a president.

By Glenn Thomas Carson
PresidentDisciples of Christ Historical Society
To learn more about your faith story,
please visit the Disciples ofChrist Historical Society's web site at:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Regional Newsletter - Now Online for March-May

The WV News is available on our website (the link is small and on the lower left side of the homepage). You can right-click to save or left-click to view this 3.4mb pdf file (be patient, it is large). You'll need Adobe Reader to view it. See the file here.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

From the Regional Minister: Easter Sunday

Dearest Church -

A most happy and holy Easter to you and yours. This is the day that defines us as a peculiar people. Today with Christians around the world (and with WV Disciples who are in various places across our globe) we proclaim with joy that "Christ is Risen!"

Risen people rejoice in the love of God and be at peace.

Your Regional Minister
+ Thaddaeus

Friday, March 21, 2008

From the Regional Minister: Good Friday

To our Church in this place-

Today is Good Friday. Christians around the world and around our region take solemn and reverent pause to remember the gift of Jesus Christ this day. This is a somber day.
Liturgically the color red may be employed as we signify the blood of the martyr. For some tears will be employed as the passion narrative is read and relived. And, yet, this is a good day.

One of my daughters asked "why is it called good if this is the day of Jesus' death?" A caring and careful question, I thought. It is good for the world, because on Good Friday Jesus came and dealt with the things that separate us from God, from him. This is a solemn day, a day for holy reverence, and yet a day that the Church declares with a mighty faithfulness that it is a very good day.

Let us honor God today. Take pause, give thanks, and join with the church in proclaiming gospel, which always means 'good news.' And..... let us keep asking caring and careful questions.

In the reality and light of this day, please know that I love you.

Your Regional Minister,
+ Thaddaeus

Thursday, March 20, 2008

From the Regional Minister: Maundy Thursday

Blessings on this most holy day, Maundy Thursday.

As the faithful will gather over the next three days (the Triduum, the three great days that celebrate the saving work of our Lord) know that we are together. Tonight many will gather for Maundy Service celebrations. For many this is a most memorable and important service in one's journey with Christ. Tonight in our region there will be services of shadows (tenebrae), perhaps footwashing services, and services that mark the institution of the Lord's Supper. Tonight many will hear from John 13:34 where we are give a 'new commandment'. This is a special time in the life of the whole church and the whole world.

I pray that it will be a special time in your own life as well.

May God bless us as we gather together, always together, on this holy day of Maundy Thursday. And... let us always 'love one another' just as Jesus has loved us.

Your Regional Minister,
+ Thaddaeus

Regional Board Minutes now online

Minutes for the March meeting of the Regional Board are posted for your review. You may click here for the .pdf file (or right click and "save as" to view later on your computer). If another format is needed, email the webmaster.

Sessions '08 - Earlybird Deadlines Drawing Near

Men, it's not too late to get the early-bird discounts offered at the Sessions website. Take advantage of the $70 discount (or a flat $100 fee for men under thirty), if you sign up online with a credit card, or mail the downloadable form (.pdf file) before May 1. It's a great deal for a great time with men from around the nation in beautiful downtown Oklahoma City!

Be sure to let Joel Potts know that you're planning to attend, so we can connect ahead of time. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Wheeling St. Baldrick's Day Update

Rev. Maggie Sebastian reports that the St. Baldrick's Day effort for the First Christian community raised over $4,000, and more funds specifically for Carlie Saunders - a child of the Clarksburg church who is battling acute lymphoma leukemia. Read more on their website.

Tad Fitzsimmons Youth Ministry Internship

Post-high-school young adults are invited to participate in a perennial ministry of love and leadership in the region, as they join with campers and conferees for our annual summer events.

Those interested in serving for two weeks this summer (June 7-21) at Cedar Lakes and Bethany College should be two years past high school graduation. Those who are considering a call to ministry will be given preference.

Applicants need to provide a letter of interest and two letters of reference (one of which should be from their Disciples home church) to the Regional Minister no later than May 1. If selected as an intern, they will receive room and board for the two weeks, and a $500 stipend.
Questions prior to application should be directed to Rev. Thad Allen. Completed paperwork should be mailed to his attention at Christian Church in West Virginia, 1402 Washington Ave., Parkersburg, WV 26101.

Scott Lectures at Bethany - Mar. 31 - Apr. 1

Marvin Meyer will present the annual Oreon E. Scott Lectures at Bethany College, March 31 and April 1. "Disciples and Gospels - Lost and Found" will be the topic.

According to the school's website, "Over the two days, Dr. Meyer will lecture on, Doubting Thomas and the Gospel of Thomas, Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Mary and Judas Iscariot and the Gospel of Judas. He will also give a sermon entitled The Youthful Disciple in Mark: In the Garden and the Tomb with Jesus. Dr. Meyer (Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University; M.Div., Calvin Theological Seminary) is Griset Professor of Bible and Christian Studies and Co-Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, Chapman University."

Read more at Bethany's website, or download a .pdf Registration Form now (right-click and "save as", if you don't want to leave our site).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Prayer for Congregations in Pastoral Search

The Regional Minister offers this prayer to be shared among congregations in the process of seeking new pastoral leadership. Rev. Allen notes that "It is influenced greatly by personal prayer and a prayer for such occasion that is found in the Book of Common Prayer." It is offered here for all to use as desired (and will later be posted to the yet-to-appear "Congregational Resource" page). May we all be prayerful for those congregations currently in this phase of their lives.

Almighty and Gracious God, Giver of Every Good Gift; look with favor upon your Church and upon those who are charged with discerning who it is, who is to be, the next minister for this congregation of your beloved and holy people. Help us, Dear God, so that we might find and be sent a loving and faithful pastor who will love and care for your flock and equip us for the ministries that you are calling us to do and to be about. Be with our search committee, our congregation, our regional minister and all those who are watching and waiting for the one who is to come. Keep us faithful to the process and keep us near to you in these days we humbly pray.

Bless us in this time of new life and grant us your presence, your peace and a deep and abiding trust in you, in your church, and in ourselves as this time of life unfolds.

In the name of Jesus Christ we offer this prayer. Amen

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pastoral Letter: Holy Week, 2008

Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord -

As we gather in various ways and places during this most holy week, know that I hold you close in my prayers and in my thoughts.

Christians throughout the world are engaged in prayer, praise, worship and service that finds its life in the saving acts of Jesus this week. Likewise, throughout our region many have gathered in ecumenical services of holy worship this week already. Many will gather for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday observances. Prayer vigils are being undertaken throughout West Virginia and Maryland. Easter is coming, but not yet.

Christians serve the world and the Head of the Church well when we take reverent pause and remember the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The observances that we make throughout this week are also moments of grace that God gives us.

May we focus on the cross of Christ as we approach Easter. God bless you this week and every week.

Your Regional Minister,
+ Thaddaeus

Bethany Founder's Day Audio - Now Online

The March 6 Founder's Day Celebration at Bethany College was recorded for broadcast, and the audio can be found on their site. When you click this link, you will be taken to the Bethany College webpage, and will be hearing the mp3 in an embedded Quicktime player.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Krista Johnson - Missionary in Region During May

Krista Johnson, our Global Ministries partner in the West Virginia Region, will be resident with us in the month of May.
Krista served as a global mission intern with the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem and has an amazing story to share. She is a native of Warren, OH and grew up in the youth camps sponsored by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Ohio. Krista earned her BA in Peace Studies from Chapman University in 2005, having also studied at Ball State University, American University and the School for International Training in Durban, South Africa. She has previously served as assistant director of summer enrichment at National City Christian Church in Washington, D. C. and in the office of the Christian Church Foundation.
Scheduling for Krista's presence in your congregation can be arranged by contacting the Regional Office, which will be managing her schedule. A form with her bio and information on how to plan for her visit will be sent to you as soon as she is scheduled. Of course, there are few Sunday morning opportunities to offer, so please consider how she might also be engaged with your congregation in creative ways:
- Accompany a group to a homeless shelter,
- Meet with your youth to help them think about their place in God's mission in the world,
- Hold a mission fair or other event,
- Create a non-Sunday worship or fellowship event, inviting Krista to preach or otherwise share her story,
- Plan an informal dessert gathering and allow for open discussion,
- Invite her to brainstorm with your outreach/mission committee, or to pray with your prayer group(s),
- Plan a community-wide forum for other people of faith to share in her story (and don't forget to invite your neighboring Disciples congregations).
The possibilities are limitless!
Remember that transportation to your church, food and housing (if required) will be the responsibility of your congregation. We will try to arrange the schedule in such a way that any expenses are fairly shared by neighboring churches, when possible.
We look forward to hearing that you are inviting Krista "into your church home," for what promises to be a powerful and engaging witness to the common mission of our church!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Allen & Brownlee Address Bethany Founder's Day

Rev. Thaddaeus B. Allen, our Regional Minister, addressed the convocation at Founder's Day at Bethany College yesterday. His address, woven with the humorous recollection of his days as a student, challenged the full house in Commencement Hall to see the courage that had brought them as individuals and community to the day, and to let it carry them forward into whatever great days may lie ahead.
Rev. Andrea Brownlee, pastor of Big Run Christian Church, spoke at the wreath-laying ceremony, which was held in the Old Meeting House due to muddy conditions. Brownlee echoed the encouraging spirit of the day in her brief remarks, which preceeded the taking of the wreath to the grave of Alexander Campbell by a small gathering.
Dr. Scott D. Miller, 19th president of the college, presided over the day's events - the first of its kind during his tenure. The annual Founder's Day event is open to all who desire to attend, so watch for information for next year's event.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wheeling Area Healing Service - March 5

As found in the Wheeling Intelligencer, Feb. 23, Faith section, a joint service at the Island Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will be offered Weds., Mar. 5 at 7 p.m., led by Rev. Maggie Sebastian, Rev. Judy Bennett, Rev. LeRoy Jeneskee, and Rev. Andrea Brownlee. The service will include music and prayers, as well as several options for those who desire prayers for their special intentions, including anointing, laying on of hands, and one-on-one prayer partnering.
Those in the area are encouraged to come experience this powerful service.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

News Archive: Jan-Feb, 2008

Midwinter Retreat a High-Energy Celebration
Smiles were all around as the youth of the region gathered at Cedar Lakes Conference Center this past weekend. 129 youth and their sponsors spent some high-quality time together, sharing in worship, engaging conversation (led by Rev. Bob Brooks), and catching-up on life with people they love and are getting to know.
Midwinter offers a great opportunity for young people - who develop deep friendships in summer camps and conferences - to re-connect. Plus many of the folks who are new to our churches or just "coming of age" for our ChiRho or CYF groups to get a feel for our camping life at just the right spot in their calendars. It helps many of them make prioritizing summer camp an easy choice.
The theme of the weekend was "Youth-enizing the Church." Attendees were challenged to hear the call of God in their lives as leaders in their home churches. They were encouraged to share the frustrations and joys they experence in church-life, and many adults present found their expressions touching, eye-opening, and encouraging for the future of the church.
Rev. Brooks, who returned to the U.S. from a tour of the Holy Land on Friday, commented that "These people are not the church of tomorrow. They are the church today, every bit as much as the adults in it." And as the youth revealed what made retreat times so special were made very clear: In these places, among these people, they are free to be themselves and to share their faith freely in a setting that Brooks described as "sabbath rest."
Along with challenging words and great fellowship, much led by Regional Youth Mentors Andrea Brownlee, Kevin Snow and Kenny Hardway, there was sabbath peace, indeed, and great joy. Thank you for supporting the regional youth ministry!
A low-quality video sample of the Friday evening gathering is now on our NewsWire page and DVD's will be available to your church soon.
Youth of United Church Charleston - Going on the Road
The folks at Charleston's United Disciples of Christ Church were so amazed at a wonderful musical sketch done by their youth on Jan. 27, they suggested that they "hit the road" with it...and so it will be.
So far, according to Rosetta Smith, United's Minister of Discipleship, the team is planning to be at First Christian Church, St. Albans, on Feb. 24 and are scheduled to include the work in a mission trip to NC this summer.
If you're interested in this brief but compelling piece of contemporary art and faith, we recommend you contact Rosetta soon...before you have to get them through a booking agent. Kudos to all!
News from Proctor Christian Church
Life is active and growing in the community of Proctor Christian Church. News just arrived of four new members: Howard and Barbara Sprague, Lisa Kelley, and Allen White. A new members dinner was held Jan. 27th.
Seven youth and 2 adults will attend Mid-Winter Youth Retreat. And in the midst of Lent, a Valentine Dinner will be offered on Feb. 24th. Plans are being made for the Sunrise services and Easter breakfast.
Got news for your congregation? Send it to David Chafin for our soon-to-appear "Congregational News" page. Those items will also be passed on to our Newsletter Editor.
Island Christian Church - Wheeling - Has New Web Home
We're pleased to announce that Island Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has a new website. Visit them today!
Island Church - The Old Building
Server Problems Resolved?We hope the issues that were keeping your browser away from our page haven't put you off entirely. Glad to see you came back to give us another chance. The issue, which seemed to bug us most on Thu. & Fri. (Jan. 24-25) had to do with the domain forwarding system...whatever that means. If it happens again, you can find this same page at: (doesn't sound nearly as pretty as "WVDisciples-dot-org", does it?). You may want to copy and paste that into your browser and save it as a backup bookmark. Thanks for your patience. Please keep coming back!
Big Run Welcomes Rev. Brownlee
Rev. Thad Allen presided at the Service of Consecration and Installation of Rev. Andrea Brownlee, the new pastor at Big Run Christian Church, Cameron on Sunday, Jan. 13.
The Regional Church celebrates with Andrea and the faithful friends at Big Run. May their ministries together grow in the years to come!
Assembly Promotion and Registration Forms
Current registration and promotion forms are available for download (you'll need Adobe Acrobat reader for most):
Download Regional Assembly Flyer (right click and "save as", or click to open in this browser). Thanks for helping us promote the Assembly!
Download Regional Assembly Registration Form (right click and "save as", or click to open in this browser). NOTE: Registration form is legal size (8-1/2 x 14).
Moments in Disciples History
This is the first of monthly columns in 2008 that will cover historical issues of interest to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The columns will be coordinated by Glenn Carson, President of the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, who writes this month's column.
Creating A Polar Star
"You are Peter," Jesus said. "And on the top of the rock of your faith, I will build my Church." Do you remember? The disciples had been cataloging all that people were saying about their Lord, when Jesus asked, "Well, then, who do you think I am?" It was Peter who jumped forward and declared "You are the Christ!" In that instant, Jesus recognized, maybe for the first time, the kind of rock solid faith that Peter had.
If the conversation had been happening some nineteen hundred years later, Jesus may very well have been speaking of Disciples leader Peter Ainslie, rather than the original one called the Rock. Because it was Peter Ainslie who made the simple Disciples of Christ confession - You are the Christ - come to life as the foundational principle of what it means to be a Disciple.
A Virginian born in 1867, and named for his father and grandfather, Ainslie followed his ancestors' footsteps into the pulpit. While known as a great communicator of the Gospel, it was not in congregational ministry that Ainslie would find his true calling. Rather, it was in the wider world of Christian ecumenism - an openness to dialogue with other faiths that he himself would help to create.
In 1910, at 43 years old, Ainslie was president of the national gathering of Disciples. When they met that year in Topeka, Kansas, Ainslie decided to focus his keynote address on the Disciples ideal of unity and wholeness in the Christian community. The address caused a firestorm, and before the convention adjourned, steps had been taken to create what would ultimately become the Council on Christian Unity, with Ainslie as its first president. Peter had spotted the Spirit of Christ somewhere in the assembly and had issued a prophet's call to fulfill the Christian destiny of following the same polar star of unity that had always been the hallmark of our faith.
Ainslie went on to lead numerous organizations in the life of the Church and to author over a dozen books, including his Yale Lectures captured as The Message of the Disciples for the Union of the Church. But whether as pastor, ecumenical leader, or author, Ainslie's focus remained constant: the uniting of every person on earth who claimed Christ as Lord under one bond of faith.
By the time he died in 1934, Peter Ainslie III had lived a complete life of service in the Church. But his life of influence lives on as Disciples everywhere catch the spirit of unity and stand with every Peter to cry "You are the Christ!"
By: Glenn Carson, President, Disciples of Christ Historical Society To read more about the
history of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), please visit the Disciples of Christ
Historical Society's web site at:
* To subscribe to this newsletter, please visit: Disciples News Service

Regional Minister's Point-of-View Archives through 2/08

Feb. 17:
Dearest Church-
Yesterday morning my grandmother Gertrude Davis passed away. She has been recovering from a Christmastime broken hip, and returned to her own home just the day before. My mother Gwen (her daughter), dad, and Aunt Janet (her eldest) were with her. It was a peaceful death marked by the presence of her children and the assured peace of her Lord's salvation.
Service will be Tuesday at her church near New Castle, PA. I will be the eulogist, an honor I shall treasure.
I was blessed to be with the youth and youth sponsors of our region at midwinter retreat when I received word. They ministered to me and my family brilliantly. I give God thanks for all the above. I give thanks for grandmothers.
Thaddaeus Allen, your regional minister
Feb. 13:
Over 130 youth and adults concerned with youth ministry will gather at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV for the region's annual Midwinter Youth Retreat. The annual retreat will begin in the evening on Friday February 15th and will conclude with a lively and powerful worship service on Sunday the 17th. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in WV seeks to be faithful in our charge to form Christians through our events designed for the Christian Formation of young people. Please pray for this holy event and all those who will be participating in it.
If you know of any who would still like to attend and have not registered, please call the regional center (304) 428-1681 to make a reservation.
Feb. 11:
For Immediate Release
Region and St. Albans congregation to work together in a new way. Effective March 1, 2008 the Reverend David Chafin, Associate to the Regional Minister, will assume the pastorate of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Saint Albans, WV. This will be part of Chafin’s broad portfolio that is to include gifting local congregations with excellent pastoral leadership and care while they are undertaking a search for a called minister.
“David’s strategic visioning skills and pastoral touch will prove to be a gift to this fine congregation. This congregation’s love of our Lord and desire to be faithful in mission and grace will prove to be a gift to this fine pastor. This is an exciting and growing time for this congregation, and I am extremely energized around this model for ministry in our great region. As a part of this covenant for pastoral services, the congregation will reimburse the region for a portion of the Associate’s financial package. This is a new model in regional ministry, and we will be watching closely to see how this can bless other congregations moving forward.” Thaddaeus B. Allen, Regional Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in WV.
One part of the mission of regions is to care for and nurture congregations. This partnership puts flesh on this mandate. Reverend Chafin will be working with the congregation to identify areas for mission in growth while a search for a pastor continues.
Please remember this holy endeavor in your personal and corporate prayers.
Jan. 16:
Dearest Church:
It is with sadness and yet, too, with a grateful heart for his life and witness to Christ that I report that Dr. Coleman Hatfield passed away on the evening of January 14th. He was with his son. Coleman was a great churchman. He dearly loved the Logan congregation and gave generously to the regional church. For many men, he was a mentor. He was a gifted Bible teacher and loved all things “West Virginian.” He enjoyed poetry and told a great tale! Dr. Hatfield’s service will be held on Thursday at 10:00 am. Most appropriately it will be in the church house that he loved.
I think that heaven must be more interesting since Dr. Hatfield’s arrival. Like many of you, I loved him. He was a dear friend of our Regional Minister Emeritus, and of many. A committed Christian he was and is.
Please pray for his family, his pastor The Reverend Dr. Charles Wood, the community and the church as God heals us in this loss.
Because He lives, so too does Dr. Hatfield. So too do we.
Thaddaeus B. AllenRegional Minister
Nov. 19, 2007
A Point of ViewFrom The Reverend Thaddaeus B. AllenRegional MinisterChristian Church (Disciples of Christ) in WVIt is with joy that I compose this communiqué, the first of what will be many.First of all let me say thank you for this wonderfully blessed opportunity to serve you as your Regional Minister. I am excited. Jennifer and I (with Kaylie and Haddae) are together and the transition to Parkersburg is happening. The hospitality the region has shown and continues to show is a true gift. We think about Huntington and Madison Avenue daily and I suspect that will continue forever. We are marked by their touch and that will strengthen us forever into the future.Some exciting things happened this weekend. The regional board met Saturday and did a great deal of fine work and positioning of our region to work together into the days ahead. Some of the highlights are below:
• The Reverend Doctor William Burwell Allen was named Regional Minister Emeritus. This honor became official later that evening at a banquet held in his (and Gwen’s) honor. He was moved by the act. The church was strengthened by it. A fine feast was shared and gifts were made. I bring you his thanks that is beyond anything that words could express.
• The Reverend David Chafin was called to a new position with the Region. Beginning in 2008 he will assume the position of Associate to the Regional Minister. He will have an interesting portfolio for ministry that will be a gift to the church. David has been the pastor of the fine people at Central Christian in Huntington for the past seven years. Remember them as they approach this new time of transition as well.
• Kevin Snow, a member of the Vinson Memorial Church in Huntington, was admitted to candidacy for ordination. Kevin is in his final year at Lexington Theological Seminary where he is gaining a fine reputation for thinking and living the Christian life.
• Many other things happened, too.
Sunday morning found me preaching at the Wheeling Island Church. If you ever get a chance to worship there – go! They are a fine people with one gifted and loving pastor!As we find ourselves in a Thanksgiving week, I am finding it easy to be in a thanksgiving state of mind. Let us always be thankful for what has done and is doing in our midst. I give thanks for you, for Christ who is the Head of the Church, and for the life of grace that God has given us to share.With Love,Thaddaeus