Tuesday, July 15, 2008

WV Disciples Men's Retreat: Sept. 19-21

Rev. Steven Smith, Pastor of United Disciples of Christ Church in Charleston, will serve as Facilitator of the annual WV Disciples Men’s Retreat at Cedar Lakes Conference Center near Ripley, WV. The theme of the event says it all: “Finding Where I Am (Rest, Renewal, Relationships).

Registration forms will be available in your church office by July 27, and those who register by Sept. 1 receive a $5 discount off the $25 registration fee. Registration fees are waived for all men age 30 and under. Lodging and meal rates will be the same as 2007 (a rarity in most of our lives), and there will be others from your area attending, so even carpooling will be possible.

As always, Harry Hunter has planned a golf outing for those able to come to Ripley by 10 a.m. on Friday. You can reach him for details and to reserve your tee-time at (304)855-3737.

Registration at Cedar Lakes begins at 3 p.m. on Friday and dinner is at 5 p.m. The retreat concludes at lunch on Sunday.

If you have questions about the event, please contact Joel Potts, Coordinator of Men’s Ministries at (304)455-1239, or the Regional Office at (304)428-1681. Hope to see you there!