Disciples Women of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in West Virginia will sponsor their annual Spiritual Life Retreat on September 5-7 at Cedar Lakes Conference Center. Registrations are being accepted now, and your local church office should have forms available. If not, email Mary Uhl (muhl@wvdisciples.org), Coordinator of Women’s Ministries and one will be sent to you.
The keynote speaker for the weekend is Judy Bennett, pastor of the Island Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Wheeling. In addition to the program, the service project for the event encourages all participants to collect money for those in need of heating fuel around the world. Each group is asked to bring along one piece of split firewood for use at the dedication of the service project.
Numerous other learning and growing opportunities are offered at the Saturday interest groups. Child care is by prior arrangement only (contact Mary). Registration forms and funds should be submitted to the Regional Office by Aug. 1.