Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Minute Assembly Advice

The 120th Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in West Virginia is about to begin. This article ran in the Huntington Herald-Dispatch this morning, and things are looking right and ready at the Madison Avenue Church, where we will be hosted and treated wonderfully.

The big question we hear now is, "I didn't register on time. Can I still come?" The answer is a little complicated, but the long and short of it is yes! We expect to pack the house for worship, especially on Friday evening, but if you've been a Disciple for more than a week, you know you won't be turned away from the Lord's Table.

Certainly, we have serious limits at our Men's and Women's dinners, which are catered off-site, but there may still be a place for you there. Pancakes? When do the guys run out of pancakes? My guess is there will still be a couple of tickets left for that early Saturday event. And the banquet Friday night will have some extra seating for you, just in case...and the folks there at Central know hospitality. You'll be glad you made the effort.

So the good word for today is don't miss it. Details on our registration form. At this late date, please email us and let us know your plans to attend, so we can try to fit you in for meals. You can pay at the registration table in Fellowship Hall.