Tuesday, May 27, 2008

From the Regional Minister: An Ordination in the Church

To the Church in West Virginia and Western Maryland:

On Saturday, May 31, 2008, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Kevin Matthew Snow will be ordained to the Christian Ministry. The solemn service will be held at the Vinson Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Huntington, WV. Please hold Kevin and the whole Church of Jesus Christ in your prayers as the day approaches.

This is indeed an event of importance for us all. Kevin graduated from Lexington Theological Seminary last week. He serves the region as a youth mentor. He grew up in the Vinson congregation and has served on the staff of Madison Avenue.Attendance is appropriate; prayers are essential.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Sarah Webb Honored at Bethany

From The Old Main Journal, the online newsletter from the Office of the President, Bethany College, earlier today:

Bethany Community Honors WebbSarah Webb, Pastor of Bethany Memorial Church and Chaplain of Bethany College, was the guest of honor at a luncheon in the private dining room at Benedum Commons following the morning worship service on Sunday, May 4. Webb recently announced that she was leaving Bethany, sparking the community and congregation to join forces in appreciation for her years of service.

President Miller and Dr. Patrick Sutherland were among a number of guests who came bearing gifts, presenting Rev. Webb with a Bethany College chair. The luncheon began with a procession of children from the church who placed lilacs in a glass vase from Oglebay that had been purchased for Rev. Webb by the congregation. ADOC (Active Disciples On Campus) gave her a flower arrangement and thanked her for her work with them. Rev. Webb also received a painting of the Bethany Memorial Church by Amy Van Horn, a framed poem by Judy Van Horn and a cash gift from the church.

Robert Myers, Moderator of the Church Board, offered remarks about the church’s lovely stained glass windows which bear the names of such historic Disciples as Alexander and Thomas Campbell, Barton W. Stone, W.R. Pendleton, Robert Richardson, W.H. Woolery, T.E. Cramblet, Dwight Stevenson and Cloyd Goodnight. Myers then delivered the luncheon’s crowning moment by announcing that one of the church’s stained glass windows will be restored and that Rev. Webb’s name will be added to the window.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Assembly Videos Posted

Thanks again to Tim Graves and the folks at The Big Round Window (First Church, Wheeling), we now have a full set of videos available for your enjoyment on their website. Just go to http://www.bigroundwindow.com/videos.htm to see them all.

Logan Church to Celebrate Homecoming

According to "Webminister" Sheila Riddle of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Logan, the church will celebrate their summer Homecoming this June, and you are invited.

The schedule for the weekend is:
Saturday, June 21
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.: Registration in the Church Parlor (off Main Street entrance)...Refreshments &
Conversation in the Fellowship Hall
3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.: Gospel Sing in the Sanctuary
6:00 p.m.: Catered Meal at Logan Grade School on Middelburg Island...Entertainment and Special Surprises
Sunday, June 22
9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m: Donuts & Coffee in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m.-10:40 a.m.: Sunday School in the Parlor
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Worship Service in the Sanctuary...Dr. Nathan S. "Pete" Smith, a Timothy from our

church and retired Regional Minister from the Illinois-Wisconsin Region, will be our
12:00 p.m.: Hot Dog Luncheon hosted by the Discples Women

You can read more on the church's website: http://www.orgsites.com/wv/fccoflogan/_pgg3.php3

Church Responds to Myanmar Disaster

From Week of Compassion:

Death Toll Swells in Myanmar

With the humanitarian tragedy in Myanmar (Burma) worsening by the hour following Saturday's devastating Cyclone Nargis, some officials, including Shari Villerosa, the top U.S. diplomat in the country, fear the death toll may exceed 100,000. At least one million people have been left homeless. Massive destruction, destroyed transportation and communications infrastructure, and initial intransigence from the ruling regime have hampered initial relief responses. However, yesterday the UN and India were able to dispatch relief supplies by air.

Church aid organizations are urgently putting relief operations in place. Tomorrow Marvin Parvez, Acting Asia/Pacific Regional Coordinator for Church World Service, will arrive in Myanmar to coordinate CWS' response. CWS and other Action by Churches Together (ACT) members, including Christian Aid of the UK, Norwegian Church Aid, Danchurchaid and others, have active local partner networks in the country. Parvez noted that "in global disaster response work, local partners know best where assistance is needed and always have more effective response networks."

CWS' initial appeal of $50,000 was surpassed in one day (including a $6000 grant from Week of Compassion/Disciples), and the appeal will soon be expanded significantly to address the enormous scope of relief aid that is needed for survivors. Parvez said "CWS' initial response is focused on food and then shelter. Water purification tablets, plastic sheeting, basic medical kits, bed nets and other basic relief items are urgently needed."

Week of Compassion has now provided two emergency grants - one for $6000 to the initial CWS appeal and one for $5000 to the Southern Asia Office of Global Ministries - to support the response of the Myanmar Council of Churches. WOC is anticipating a very large appeal from CWS/ACT within the next week and will rely greatly upon designated gifts from our congregations, members and friends to help ensure a strong response from Disciples.

Online gifts may be made by clicking on the link below or sent to WOC, attn: Elaine Cleveland, P.O. Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN. 46206. WOC will continue to provide information on the unfolding situation in Myanmar as well as the developing responses of our church partners on the ground.
Make an online donation

And from Global Ministries:

Myanmar Struck by Tropical Cyclone Nargis
Thousands of people have been killed or are missing in Burma as Tropical Cyclone Nargis pushed ashore over the weekend. The General Secretary of the Myanmar Council of Churches, Global Ministries partner, reports communication abilities throughout Burma have been compromised. Immediate relief operations are underway through Church World Service with a comprehensive assessment on-going. Global Ministries Southern Asia Office and the CWS Asia Regional Office are in direct contact with the Myanmar Council of Churches. An immediate grant of $5,000 from the UCC One Great Hour of Sharing/International Emergency fund is being wired. Week of Compassion has sent an initial grant of $6000 from the Response Fund to support the CWS appeal and will be providing additional funds as soon as the appeal is revised.

To read about what you can do to respond to this tragedy, click here: Respond to Myanmar Tragedy
To learn more about Global Ministries involvement in Myanmar, click here: Myanmar

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Church World Service Hotline: Myanmar Cyclone and More

Our ecumenical outreach through Church World Service regularly posts updates of top concern. This one arrived today. You can check links to be added to their email list to stay up on where the worlds greatest needs may be.

Church World Service Hotline for the week of May 5, 2008, updated May 6 – available in Spanish (linea de noticias) and in podcasts in English and Spanish at www.churchworldservice.org.
- Cyclone hits Myanmar (Burma)
- Global food crisis threatens millions
- Vulnerable families in Pakistan empowering themselves and their communities
- Tornadoes strike parts of south-central and eastern U.S.
- CWS Emergency Clean-up Buckets and Baby Kits needed
- New homes dedicated in Mississippi
- Check out alternative gifts for Mother’s Day

Myanmar--Officials in Myanmar are reporting that more than 22,000 people have been killed by Tropical Cyclone Nargis, which hit the country’s heartland on Saturday (5/3). State radio has reported that another 41,000 people are missing, and as many as one million may be homeless. Three-quarters of the structures in the Irrawaddy Delta region were reportedly damaged by fierce winds, rain, and storm surge. In the storm's aftermath, prices on food, fuel, and building supplies have shot up 300 percent. The Myanmar Council of Churches reports that communications throughout Burma have been compromised.

CWS is initially providing emergency relief assistance, particularly food packages and shelter materials and anticipates the provision of long-term assistance through several of its partners, among them, the Myanmar Council of Churches. CWS Asia-Pacific Regional Office is coordinating assessment activities that will shape a long-term response. Contributions to support emergency efforts are urgently needed.

Global food crisis--Millions of people across the globe face malnutrition because of rising food prices. In some countries, hunger and starvation are looming threats. The Reuters news agency estimates basic food prices have gone up anywhere from 45 to 80 percent. Hunger kills an estimated 10 million people every year, and as food becomes more expensive even those who were once marginally secure in their ability to find food are in danger of slipping into hunger and malnutrition.

For more on this issue and how Church World Service is helping families to gain food security, visit www.churchworldservice. A fact sheet on the Global Food Crisis is also available for download.

Pakistan--Some 750 rural women in Mirpurkhas, in lower Sindh province, are gaining basic math and literacy skills, becoming aware of social issues, and learning to garden with the help of Church World Service and partner The Lower Sindh Rural Development Association (LSRDA).

The women, who are organized into 25 self-help groups, are developing food- and income-generating strategies. They have received goats, micro-loans to start their own businesses, and assistance in marketing their surplus produce. After a year of participation in the project, the women return the value of the goat to their group and another family is chosen to receive a goat and take part in the program. The LSRDA provides continuing business services to these first-time entrepreneurs through product quality control and linkage to the local market.

Among the program's signs of success thus far: 150 well-established savings and credit groups in different villages in lower Sindh, an increase in income and savings levels for the participating villages, more goats and other livestock being raised by families, and increased literacy for women. And savings, income, livestock, and literacy are tools that help families feed themselves now and into the future.

U.S. tornadoes--On May 2, tornadoes and high winds tore through parts of the nation's mid-section. Hardest hit was Arkansas, where seven people were killed. Parts of eastern Texas, Missouri, and Illinois were also affected.
Earlier, severe weather systems during the last week of April caused damage across Texas and Virginia. The strongest of these hit the city of Suffolk. More than 120 buildings were damaged.
CWS Emergency Response Specialists are participating in damage assessments. CWS is ready to provide material resources, training, and project development support to help meet needs that arise from these storms.

CWS Kits--CWS is asking congregations and groups to help replenish the supply of CWS Emergency Clean-up Buckets and Baby Kits for distribution to domestic and international partners. Most recently, Church World Service has provided Emergency Clean-up Buckets to partners in Missouri and Arkansas for clean-up following storms and floods there. And, CWS Baby Kits are being distributed to vulnerable families in Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi.
For more information on the Kits and how your group can help, visit www.churchworldservice.org/kits.

Mississippi--On May 2, 22 new homes built to replace those destroyed by Hurricane Katrina were dedicated in West Gulfport. Sixteen of the homes were made possible in part with grants through collaboration between Church World Service and Habitat for Humanity International. Some 500 houses have been repaired or rebuilt through the joint CWS/Habitat collaboration that began in April 2006, following the 2005 devastation by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The goal by the end of this spring is 645 homes.

Mother’s Day--Looking for a unique Mother’s Day gift? Take a look at the Church World Service Best Gift catalog at www.churchworldservice.org and surprise the special people in your life with "gifts" that bring help and hope to families in need.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the life-sustaining work of Church World Service. Contributions may be sent through your church or directly to Church World Service, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515. Credit card contributions may be made by calling 1-800-297-1516 or at www.churchworldservice.org.
CWS Hotline sends weekly email updates on Church World Service Emergency Response and program work.
CWS Website:

Moments in Disciples History: Alexander Campbell

It's Only A Token

If it were a Hollywood movie, the scene would be played out in slow-motion:




It was a scene right out of tinsel town. But one that is very real in the memories of Disciples.

In 1807 Thomas Campbell had immigrated to America. He left his eldest son, Alexander, in charge of the rest of the family and all their belongings. Once Thomas was settled, the family was to follow the next year.

And that is just what they attempted to do. In 1808, Alexander, all the Campbell family, and all their 'stuff' boarded a ship bound for the land of freedom. The journey lasted only ten days before the ship, caught in a storm, ran into the rocky coast off Scotland and wrecked. Alexander fished his family, his books, and himself out of the cold salty water and made his way to shore.

But, what at first seemed like a set-back was another of God's blessings in disguise. Since winter was setting in, it was now impossible for the Campbells to make the trek to America. Instead, they spent about one year in Scotland where Alexander was able to continue his education (entering the University of Glasgow) and to continue his personal pilgrimage of faith.

He had been started well on his theological journey by tutelage from his father Thomas. Now, he had the opportunity to intensely study the scriptures and to inquire of the great minds of history, and the University, on exactly how to interpret what God intended for us to hear in the sacred pages.

Interestingly, 1809 proved a banner year for both Thomas and Alexander. Separated by an ocean, the two were knitted together in thought and revelation. Thomas would pen his "Declaration and Address," showing that Christ's Church is a unified whole and realize he was reaching the end of his walk with Presbyterians. Alexander, among other things, would discover that he, too, had come to the end of his journey among Presbyterians. And it was caught in living color by that slow motion Hollywood scene.

In those days, on Sundays when Presbyterians were to celebrate communion (for it was not an every Sunday event), each communicant was examined by an elder to make sure that he or she was sinless enough to receive the meal from Christ's table. Once the elder was satisfied, a little silver token was given that could be exchanged for the elements during the Lord's Supper.

On that Sunday in 1809, in Glasgow, 21 year old Alexander Campbell was absolutely sure that God did not require that little token. So, he came to the table, dropped the silver piece down, and turned and walked away. In that moment, he abandoned one faith journey in order to start another. The journey of a Disciple. It was a journey he remained on for the rest of his life. And a journey that we are on still.

By Glenn Thomas Carson
President, Disciples of Christ Historical Society
Go to Website to read more or subscribe to monthly "Moments"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More Assembly Videos

At the Wheeling First Christian Church website, you can see a 3-part posting of Rev. Gloria Hernandez's sermon from Thursday evening at the Regional Assembly.

In addition to the overview video (which you can also find on the regional website), video editor Tim Graves has included the "morning after" reflections of the 4 adult Wheeling First attendees.

Take a few minutes to see these clips, and stay tuned: Tim promises that more is on the way, and we are grateful!

Legacies - New Publication for Your Stewardship Planning

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in West Virginia is pleased to present the premiere issue of Legacies - a publication created in cooperation with the Christian Church Foundation to aid you in your stewardship planning.

The publication, which will be offered 3-4 times per year, was first offered at the Regional Assembly, and is now available online. Congregations may receive a high-quality master copy electronically to produce for their members, or may request copies to be provided by the region. Churches and individuals may contact the editor, David Chafin, for a copy to be delivered by U. S. Mail.

"We are pleased to be able to offer this helpful tool to our friends around the Region," Chafin said. "It will enable many of us to better provide for our families' future, and for the future of our congregations, the Regional Church, and those ministries and missions of the wider church which are near and dear to our hearts."

Click here to download a .pdf version (low quality) of Legacies, or contact Chafin or the Christian Church Foundation for more information.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Regional Assembly Videos Emerge

We're grateful to Tim Graves of the First Christian Church of Wheeling for the first of several assembly videos (and to Bill Chambers who also provided photos). Here's a peek at the first one on the church's website.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Check updates on site

If you click our "Events" button at left, you'll find a couple of new additions that are worth noting:
  • The World Convention (Christian - Churches of Christ - Disciples of Christ) is coming this summer, and a schedule has been posted.
  • The flyer for the Congregational Transformation Event is up for your viewing there as well.

Please keep us posted of great things coming up that need to be shared around the region. We're grateful for you!