Friday, September 26, 2008

NewsWire to Migrate

To enable our readers to more easily access this NewsWire, we are migrating it to a different home at WordPress effective Oct. 1. At that point the only significant difference you'll notice is if you have your newsreader or widget set to a address. You are urged, in that case, to change your feed to:

The move is to enable those who use Internet Explorer to more easily access articles as they appear on any widget in RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Previous articles will remain on the blogger site, but will also be migrated into the WordPress location. After Oct. 1, no new items will be added at blogger.

Hope this isn't too confusing. Those who only read the news on our website should notice no significant change. Please visit often, and download the desktop widget on our homepage if you want to really stay up-to-date. Other features will be enabled soon, so stay tuned!

Just a smile

Friends, it is not the habit of this webmaster to pass on things that come in the many forwards in his mail. For a day like this, when much of the world is in pain and suffering some high anxiety on Wall Street, I offer "A Smile from God".

Hope you smile, too.

Bethany President to be Installed

From The Old Main Journal, Bethany College's online news:

BETHANY, W.Va. — The installation of Dr. Scott D. Miller as the 19th President of Bethany College will be just one of the highlights for students, alumni and friends as West Virginia’s oldest college celebrates an event-filled Homecoming Weekend from Oct. 3-5.

The festivities officially tee off at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 3 when more than 100 golfers are scheduled to hit the links at Highland Springs Golf Course in the fourth annual Hugh “Tiger” Joyce Scramble. Homecoming registration begins at noon in the Erickson Alumni Center. The Installation Ceremony for President Miller is set for a 2:30 p.m. start in Commencement Hall at the College’s historic Old Main. There will be an Installation reception in the Old Main Corridor from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and President Miller will host a Donor Recognition Reception from 6-8 p.m. at his home, Christman Manor at Pendleton Heights.

Friday’s activities continue with the annual Athletic Hall of Fame Induction from 6-9 p.m. at Harder Hall. This year’s inductees are Edward Blundon ’66 (basketball), Daniel Swickard ’72 (football), Margaret Fillinger ’86 (softball) and Jeff Weekley ’96 (baseball). There will also be a men’s/women’s soccer doubleheader against Geneva College beginning at 6 p.m. at Bison Stadium. The final event on Friday’s agenda is the annual Homecoming Art Exhibit Reception, set for 8-10 p.m. at the Renner Union Gallery.

The events of Saturday, Oct. 4 open with the eighth annual Allison’s Run/Walk at the Cunningham Soccer Complex. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the event to start at 9 a.m. Dedication ceremonies for the newly-restored Christman Manor at Pendleton Heights are scheduled for 10 a.m. and there will be an Open House for the Judith R. Hurl Education Center, the former Bethany Primary School, beginning at 11:30 a.m.

Registration and tailgating at Bison Stadium starts at 11:30 a.m. with the Homecoming Parade scheduled to begin at 11:45 a.m. Kickoff for the Homecoming football game against Thomas More (Ky.) College is at 2 p.m. with halftime festivities including the introduction of the Hall of Fame inductees and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen. The Bethany volleyball team will host a triangular match with Waynesburg University and Westminster College, beginning at 11 a.m. There will be a live band concert at the tailgate area immediately following the football game with a Wine and Cheese Social set for 6-7 p.m. at Harder Hall.

Saturday’s festivities conclude with the annual Alumni Awards Banquet and Wall of Fame Induction, set for a 6:30 p.m. start at Commencement Hall. The Bethany College Alumni Association will present Linda Comins ’77 with the Distinguished Service to Alma Mater Award while David Jolliffe ’74 has been chosen to receive the Alumni Community Service Award.
The Rev. Dr. A. Dale Fiers ’29 will be inducted to the Bethany College Wall of Fame. Dr. Fiers became the first president and general minister of the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) when the denomination adopted a formal structure as a church. Fiers marched with Dr. Martin Luther King in Selma, Ala. and brought Disciples leaders together to create the denomination’s poverty and race program. Dr. Fiers passed away on Sept. 28, 2003 at the age of 96.

Homecoming Weekend concludes on Sunday, Oct. 5 with a 10:45 a.m. worship service at the historic Bethany Memorial Church followed by a noon brunch at Harder Hall.

Rev. Thaddaeus Allen, on behalf of the Christian Church in West Virginia, will be presenting an affirmation of gratitude to Dr. Miller which is also signed by Dr. Sharon Watkins, our General Minister and President.

Bonnie Thurston: Contemplative Prayer Weekend in Pittsburgh

The Rev. Dr. Bonnie Thurston will lead "Attending to God's Presence: Contemplative Prayer in the Christian Tradition" at Sixth Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Friday through Sunday, Oct. 17-18. The seminar, which will include times of silence, will be offerd at minimal cost to participants. It begins at 7:00 p.m. Friday and closes with Evening Prayer on Saturday at 3 p.m. Advanced registration is required. More information is available by calling the church (412)421-2752, or visiting their website.

The program is underwritten by the Fred Rogers Memorial Fund at the church.

Disciples Men: Cookin' for Mission

The following release is from the Office of Disciples Men. A brochure for new program is available by contacting them, or David at the Regional Office:


For years, the International Day of Pancakes has been a successful vehicle to pair up Disciples Menʼs groups from across the country to projects that will directly impact the lives of children across our denomination. Disciples Men have answered the call to get involved in childrenʼs lives to make a difference. Now the Disciples Men are responding to another much needed call. Due to financial limitations, Disciples Home Missions has been forced to eliminate the funding that partially supported the budgets of four missions centers. The centers that have been greatly affected by this cutback are: Yakama Christian Mission center in White Swan, Washington; Inman Christian Mission Center in San Antonio, Texas; All Peoples Christian Center in Los Angeles and the Kentucky Appalachian Ministry.

The Executive Committee of the General Conference of Disciples Men, in February of 2008, voted to approve a transformation of this vital program and the distribution of funds. Beginning in 2009 all funds collected from the International Day of Pancakes will be distributed to all four of the mission centers previously mentioned. Since all four mission centers directly affect the children who live in these areas, the basic purpose of the program will not change, only how the funds are distributed. Pancake breakfasts are recommended, but not essential. Your local menʼs group can choose to have a fish fry, pig roast, yard sale or even a ham and yam dinner. Be creative in how your group raises money.

All monies received January 1 through December 31 will be distributed the following year.
Attached please find a brochure for your use to help promote this new and exciting Men's Ministry. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Office of Disciples Men at (888) 346-2631 or

Anne Marie Moyars, Administrative Assistant
Office of Disciples Men
Disciples Volunteering - Disaster Response
General Youth Council
Youth Ministry Commission
Young Adult Commission
Scholarships/Continuing Education
(317) 713-2666 or toll free (888) 346-2631
Fax Number: (317) 635-4426
Web Site:

October: Month of the Ministry

Congregations are urged to celebrate the ministry in varied ways, and to encourage the life of their pastors and other clergy in their midst. The Pension Fund has a number of good resources for this fine effort: Also, watch this site in the coming days for more suggestions from your Regional Church. Don't delay; love a minister today!

Worship & Wonder Training at LTS

A training event for story tellers for Children Worship & Wonder will be conducted at Lexington Theological Seminary on Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 15-16. Full information may be found at Disciples Home Missions:

Global Missions Video to Air

In this age of natural disasters and injustice, it’s refreshing to be reminded that ordinary people still can make a difference in the world. That reminder comes in the form of a new documentary called “Connecting Threads.”

The video is the latest documentary produced by the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). It will debut on NBC TV stations nationwide starting on Oct. 5, 2008.

“Connecting Threads” shows viewers how ordinary people are sharing their talents and time to work with others for a better world.

“It's not often that we have an opportunity to take a trip around the world in less than an hour,” says the Rev. J. Bennett Guess, head of the UCC’s communication department. “'Connecting Threads' enables viewers to experience diverse people, landscapes and religious perspectives; while being reminded that the Christian faith is global in its reach and inclusive in its mission."

The documentary takes viewers to Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Southern Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East and Europe.

“Watching ‘Connecting Threads’ brings the voices and lives of our global neighbor’s right into our homes and hearts,.” says Jan Aerie, a spokesperson for Global Ministries, a shared world ministry partnership of the UCC and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). In 2007, Global Ministries had a total of 147 missionaries served in 44 countries.

For additional info go to:
Regional Note:
Currently, in our immediate regional area, WSAZ in Huntington/Charleston is scheduled to air the program Oct. 5. The link above will give you connections to the other area stations with email info, should you desire to encourage them.